On 13 June 2023, the third coordination meeting of the Advanced Materials project was held by videoconference. This meeting was attended by representatives of the regions of the plan, and addressed three main issues of relevance to the programme.

Review of the State of Progress of the Integration and Collaboration Actions Eugenio Coronado provided a summary of the state of progress of the activities framed in LIA 4 (Integration and Collaboration Line). He highlighted the various advances made in the development of the activities of Visibilisation (Development and Maintenance of the Joint Website), Training (Master and National School) and Dissemination (National Conference and Specialised Meetings). Progress in the creation of a Coordinated Network for the Development of Biomaterials and Nanomedicine and in the Creation of a Laboratory of Ideas for Knowledge Transfer were also discussed.

National Conference on Advanced Materials The coordinators of the Aragon region presented details of the next National Conference on Advanced Materials, scheduled for 13, 14 and 15 November 2023 in Zaragoza. A programme is planned that will include invited talks, short oral presentations and poster sessions. It was mentioned that national and international invited speakers will be sought. In addition, the importance of breaks to encourage interaction between groups and the review of posters was highlighted.

Other issues Several additional topics were addressed, such as a project presentation event in June, the preparation of an interim programme monitoring report, the implementation of an information system called CoFFEE, and acknowledgements in programme-related publications.

The third meeting demonstrated significant progress in the planning and execution of the Advanced Materials Programme, with a clear focus on integration, collaboration and dissemination of results to the scientific community. Coordination between the regions was fundamental to the continued success of the programme.